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Feedback / Dark Mode Switch
« Last post by Melonking on November 11, 2024, 12:24:41 pm »
This theme/mod is so good! Iv been struggling with mobile support for YEARS and this has fixed everything! I did have to make some modifications to make it compatible with the SMFPacks shoutbox and other mods, but they were quite minimal.

I think a big addition would be a CSS based dark mode that would toggle based on a phones theme settings; that would really be appreciated by a lot of people.
Feedback / Re: Cannot download anything??
« Last post by vbgamer45 on November 11, 2024, 09:28:42 am »
Try now!
Feedback / Re: Cannot download anything??
« Last post by Melonking on November 11, 2024, 08:45:07 am »
Fixed added you to members group. You should be able to download now if you are logged in.
This occurs if you buy first before having registered on the forum.

Hello VB! I am having this issue too!
Feedback / Re: Cannot download anything??
« Last post by vbgamer45 on November 07, 2023, 05:06:47 pm »
Fixed added you to members group. You should be able to download now if you are logged in.
This occurs if you buy first before having registered on the forum.
Feedback / Cannot download anything??
« Last post by birnaofthenorth on November 07, 2023, 04:44:50 pm »
I paid for SM4Mobile and have registered on the forum.

When I click the links in the email sent for the purchaser, I get an error message saying I'm not allowed to view this category???? No download options are shown.

This is nonsensical. Please advise.
Site comments and suggestions / Re: Add a new New Menu-item
« Last post by vbgamer45 on October 30, 2023, 08:50:51 am »
Yeah that is the older one I would uninstall and install new one.

Strange email should say
Code: [Select]
Hello! Thank you for purchasing the theme, here's a quick getting started in order to get the theme running on your SMF site

    Go to the downloads section and download SMF4Mobile theme and SMF4Mobile mod package
    The theme is installed as a normal SMF theme and the mod is installed as a Package Manager mod
    Once both of them are setup, no configuration by itself is required. You do not need to change the default theme. The mod will automatically switch to SMF4Mobile theme when an user accesses it via a compatible device. It also allows manually switching between desktop and mobile theme. Your desktop theme is whichever theme you have as your default.
    There are some settings for colours and behaviours under Theme Settings > SMF4Mobile should you choose to play with it, but you don't need to change it for the theme to work

Link to theme:;sa=view;id=4
Link to mod download:;sa=view;id=3
Site comments and suggestions / Re: Add a new New Menu-item
« Last post by neo1967 on October 30, 2023, 08:49:16 am »
After the purchase a few days ago, this mail came in the picture. Do I have the wrong version?
Site comments and suggestions / Re: Add a new New Menu-item
« Last post by vbgamer45 on October 30, 2023, 08:45:27 am »
Make sure to install the mod as well found at;sa=view;id=3

This auto redirects to the mobile version based on the user agent

The php variable $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
Site comments and suggestions / Re: Add a new New Menu-item
« Last post by neo1967 on October 30, 2023, 04:55:27 am »
Hello vbgamer45,

thanks, I will try this.

Another question that is also related to this:
The following situation: someone lands on the website via google etc. with their mobile or tablet and loads a page that is not suitable for mobile devices. How can I tell the browser that there is a mobile version of the page he has just landed on?
I used the code here, but it doesn't seem to work:
Code: [Select]
<link rel="alternate" media="only screen and (max-width: 640px)" [url][/url]" />
And a second question related to the first:
The code above also only points to the start page. Is there a PHP variable that has the currently accessed page as its value?

Thanks for your help
Site comments and suggestions / Re: Add a new New Menu-item
« Last post by vbgamer45 on October 27, 2023, 04:26:33 pm »
Open the mobile themes index.template.php
Code: [Select]
// Append the common controls into the navigation
$buttons = array(
'home' => array('icon' => 'home', 'url' => $scripturl, 'text' => 'home'),
Change to
Code: [Select]
// Append the common controls into the navigation
$buttons = array(
'home' => array('icon' => 'home', 'url' => $scripturl, 'text' => 'home'),
                'forum' => array('icon' => 'grid', 'url' => $scripturl, 'text' => 'forum'),
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