SMF4Mobile, a beautiful mobile solution for your forum

SMF4Mobile is a theme made specifically for SMF with the aim of enhancing your forum's users' experience on modern smart phones and tablets. The theme aims at providing a minimalistic and functional experience without loosing any worthwhile feature.

Well designed user interface

Well designed user interface

Each page and template of the forum is carefully re-designed and moulded to work the best on small screen devices, devices on which your average theme proves to be a frustrating experience. Only those features are retained which an average user would need on their phones, hence removing excessive clutter.

Works with everything around

Works with everything around

Built on top of powerful jQuery Mobile frameworks, SMF4Mobile supports a wide variety of platforms including latest versions of Android, iOS, Windows Phone and a lot more

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Easy to install and configure

Easy to install and configure

It's just a theme! Just install it and the companion modification and you are ready to go! The theme will automatically switch between desktop and mobile depending upon the device

Easily change your theme's colour!

You can change the theme's colour simply by changing the value inside the admin panel!

SMF4Mobile Features

Theme supports every section of the forum your users would need!


Comes in one flavour for your ease!

1-year subscription


  • For SMF 2.0.x Only!!
  • Access to 1 year of support and upgrades
  • Valid for unlimited sites owned by you!
  • Buy Now!
  • Buy purchasing you accept the License Agreement